Trust me, I know about back-tracking! I was never a small child or teenager; through H.S. and College, I fluctuated between 160-210lbs In 1983, weighing 210 lbs. I began eating a very low-carb diet, lost 60lbs and reached my lowest adult weight of 150lbs~but was secretly upset that I couldn't get down to 135lbs!! Shortly thereafter, with several life-events in a row and poor eating choices, I quickly gained about 40lbs back! THEN I got pregnant, ate carbs for 9 months and gained 120lbs MORE! 2 babies later, in 1987 I lost 100lbs, only to discover I was pregnant again and gained it all back, stuffing my face with carbs, once again! In 1990, (after 2 more babies) I dropped from 340 to which time, my husband lost his job and we moved from the safety of country living to a rough neighborhood in Roanoke where I experienced some serious culture shock! Naturally, (and foolishly) I turned to comfort foods and in 9 months gained 70lbs back! (Subconsciously, I had run back to the comfort of a larger body and self-image that I was used to!) In 1995, after my fifth child, I lost from 340 down to 267! I thought I had learned my lesson and would continue losing, but that was not to be! I lost my grip on staying low-carb and returned to eating poorly! By 2000, my weight was back up and higher than ever, at 410lbs! AGAIN< I ate low-carb and lost down to 301...only to have a traumatic family event knock me for a loop at which point I became very angry and disillusioned, giving up any serious attempts at losing weight for many years!
Fast forward to Dec. 2009 when my son (in quiet desperation, afraid that I would die soon) took me to The Weigh Station weighing 509lbs! I had weighed over 400lbs since 2003.....6 years of added wear and tear on my knees and hips that I can never get back and still feel the subtle effects of. For the past 2 years, I have been here in the 300'somethings, trying to break through to that elusive weight of being "under 300lbs".....I have decided that 2015 is MY YEAR! I've learned to deal with negative emotions in better ways; have worked through some of the hurts and traumas, resolving some and putting them all behind me. I have come to accept that regardless of what life throws at me, turning to High-Carb eating is only self-destructive and I cannot allow myself to go that route again-EVER! Why am I tell you all of this? Hopefully, that someone, even just one person, will see themselves in some part of this story and will determine to learn to make better choices starting today! Choose to be good to yourself! Don't take your emotions, that are in response to outside sources, out on your own body by feeding it crap! You know the picture we have of the "weapon of mass destruction"? That is not just a clever's reality! Carbs are NOT OUR FRIENDS! For those of us who are carb-sensitive and insulin resistant, they are destruction wrapped in pretty paper! Jesus, family, friends and healthy foods.....THAT is what we need to turn to in our times of need! Please l
earn from my mistakes.......One thing I discovered, there is never a MAXIMUM WEIGHT at which we stop gaining if we continue to eat poorly! The body just keeps stretching and padding on extra fat wherever it has too, in response to being overloaded with the wrong things.........the only way to recovery is BACK the way we came! There are no short-cuts, unfortunately! Happy traveling, my friends! I'm glad to be here sharing the journey with each of you! We can do this! I'm certain of it! Here's to 2015, the year we all get healthy!
* UPDATE: Now it's 2016 and I'm still working at this thing...Let's do this, WSW!
*ANOTHER UPDATE: It's 10/17 and I'm still trying to undo the damage of poor choices; Need a Hip Replacement, but weigh too much for surgery.......I've GOT to keep going!
Since July 1st, 2017 I've been 100% focused and on track to finish strong this year! I am fighting to get back to my lowest WS weight before we ring in the New Year!
*2018 UPDATE: I didn't reach my lowest WS weight by the end of the year, but lost 60lbs from July 1st until Jan. 2018! Still backtracking....and am almost there!
*2018! I made it to my lowest WS weight of 304 on July 1st! One year without sugar or starch= re-lost 86lbs! The journey toward new lows has begun!
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Della's Story: The Beginning
Della’s Story: December 8th, 2009. There I was, almost 54 yrs old, weighing 509.6 pounds and barely able to walk, nervously waiting to meet the Doctor. For years, my entire family had been concerned about my how high my weight had gotten, but at that point I was totally overwhelmed and defeated; unable to do anything to help myself or even try to lose weight again on my own. One of my son’s co-workers had lost 220 pounds since January, and told him about the medically-supervised weight-loss center, called The Weigh Station. Desperate for me to regain my health, he offered to pay for the entire program, if I would at least try it! Knowing very little about the program, I agreed to make an appointment and he had come with me to check it out. I was miserable, hopeless and broken, both physically and emotionally, from the tremendous weight I was carrying on my 5’6” frame! Having completed the paperwork, labs and the nurse’s review of the program guidelines, I looked up as Dr. Shaffer came into the room. Having experienced the unspoken rejection and judgment of others, I fully expected to see that same uncomfortable look of dread in his eyes, as he met me for the first time and saw how huge I was. On the contrary, Dr. Chuck Shaffer came in smiling, with the enthusiasm, positive energy, determination and drive of both a football coach and cheerleader, all wrapped up in one! He boldly declared that I wasn’t his heaviest patient, and that he could “MELT ME” just like many others who had come before me! I listened in disbelief as he talked to me as if he knew exactly how I felt, what needed to be done in order to save my life, and exactly how to make it happen! He never seemed to have a shred of doubt! He practically oozed love and compassion! It was his belief that God had provided that both he and my son be there, “for such a time as this,” in order to save my life. As Christians, we agreed that it was God who would enable me to stay on the weight-loss plan, and he also assured me that he and his staff pray for all their patients on a regular basis. As we talked, He asked what I wanted to weigh, in my ‘heart-of-hearts,’ and cautioned me not to say something silly, like 300 lbs! What did I REALLY want to weigh? I shared with him my lowest pre-pregnancy weight from 27 years ago, and the even lower weight that I had always wished I could be; a dream I had given up on many years ago. To my shock, he proceeded to set that lowest ‘dream-weight’ as my long-term goal! He confidently stated again, that he could “MELT ME” down to an ideal weight! I just shook my head in disbelief, and laughingly said, "Yeah, right!" His attitude was amazing! I couldn’t even imagine losing 100lbs, and there he was, planning on helping me to lose over 350 pounds as if we were planning a walk in the park! No way did I believe it could happen to me! Fortunately, my doubt was matched by Dr. Shaffer’s confidence that he had the answer I was looking for. He knew my life would soon be different! It was his charismatic confidence in the program and in my success, which planted that first seed of hope in my heart. He was soon to become my biggest cheerleader! How did I, a reasonably intelligent, educated woman, ever get to be super-morbidly-obese? By dieting! During the past 30 years, I had lost 100 pounds or more, on at least three separate occasions, only to get sidetracked by the stress of life or an unexpected event. Repeatedly, I was unable to start losing weight again. Defeated, I inevitably returned to the same foods that my body craved and my eating habits of the past. The results of this behavior were always the same. By the time I had mustered up the courage to try again, I would have regained all the weight I had lost and more! Between 1984 and 1993, I had five children, and was never successful at controlling my weight during pregnancy. Following each birth, I would diet again, and the cycle of losing and gaining would repeat itself. No matter how many diets I tried, with varying degrees of success, I never learned why food, or should I say, “certain foods” had such a hold on me; nor did I ever really understand why I couldn’t eat what everyone else was eating, without gaining weight. Continued on page 7……. Although I was still skeptical that Dr. Shaffer could really “melt me” as he claimed, I committed to giving it a try. From day one, I focused on the plan 100%. I was careful not to stray the least little bit from the food-lists and portion guidelines, just to see what would happen! Just like he had said, the pounds started melting away; week after week the scales at The Weigh Station reported amazing results! Having begun on December 8th, my first month on the diet included Christmas and New Year’s! With total disregard for the holidays, I followed the eating-plan, took my medicines and supplements exactly as prescribed and went back to weigh each week. At the end of 4 weeks I had lost 32lbs! Still not convinced, but somewhat encouraged, I continued to weigh-in each week, stick to the eating guidelines, and after only six months my weekly losses had added up to 110lbs! As I continued to eat correctly, and follow all that Dr. Shaffer and Dr. Dums told me to do, the losses continued through the summer and the 2010 Holidays, for a current total loss of 170lbs! So, whether I believed him or not, it has become evident that Dr. Shaffer knew what he was talking about! Sometimes people ask me if I have exercised a lot, and my answer has to be “no, I haven’t.” Although there are several excellent exercise classes offered at the Weigh Station, at 509lbs, just getting out of bed, getting dressed and making the trip to the office was a major accomplishment. At home, I would try to do some simple arm and leg exercises while sitting in a chair or lying down. Naturally, the more weight I lose, the more active I am becoming. My most meaningful physical achievement, to date, is being able to climb the flight of stairs in my own home! In addition to opportunities for physical fitness, there are monthly Cooking Classes at The Weigh Station. During these evenings, our dietitian, Tricia Foley, prepares “Weigh Station friendly” recipes and shares important tips for continued healthy eating. Now that I am more mobile, I look forward to being able to participate in these classes, as well as the exercise programs offered. Is being on the Weigh Station weight-loss plan always easy? Of course not! However, realizing now, that “quitting” is the only thing that can keep me from reaching my goal, I am pressing on! The support offered by the Weigh Station community helps me to be accountable for my actions and to stay faithful to the weight-loss program that has brought me this far. There is a support group for those who are in Phase I and II of the program and also a separate group for those who are on their maintenance program. Recently, an online support group has been formed, where members can ask questions, share ideas, and celebrate their weight-loss experiences on a daily basis. In addition to the peer support, I continue to be impressed by the positive spirit and affirmation that the Weigh Station staff offers each client, regardless of their level of need. Even after losing 170 pounds, it is clear that my weight-loss journey has only just begun. I continue to gain confidence, knowing that I am not alone. Dr. Shaffer, Dr. Dums and all of the Weigh Station staff are available to help me face the challenges and adjustments that losing 350lbs will bring into my life. My plan for the future is to continue my appointments at The Weigh Station, “stick to the list,” and rely on The Lord’s power to overcome any obstacles along the way. After fourteen months of watching my weight go down and the pounds “MELT” away, I now gladly give Dr. Shaffer permission to say, “I told you so!” UPDATE: Total loss is now 209lbs (Sept 2018)
Friday, September 7, 2018
The process of losing weight.
This is a day-by-day, meal-by-meal, journey of repeated good choices! Even if you lose a lot of weight quickly (as I did, initially) you still have to make some emotional adjustments in order to maintain your losses and embrace the new you! If you don't, you are in danger of returning to your old self and what is more comfortable for you emotionally. After losing 200lbs it took me several years of mental health WORK to get to where I am today. During that time. I gradually gained 86lbs back and have only recently been able to lose that weight again and truly embrace the NEW ME. I am finally prepared to face the journey ahead without the fear of what changes will come with another 100lb loss. I love the new me....and look forward to getting to know my skinnier self that is gradually emerging with each pound lost.
Monday, September 3, 2018
Finding my Focus

I praise God for my progress so far.....but need to find the strength to move forward.
I am thankful to friends who help me stay committed to my weight-loss journey and I continue to lean on them.
Today, Labor Day, I am spending time re-assessing my goals and the necessity of reaching them! The ability to walk continues to be a priority.
If you are reading this, please pray for me and for my continued success.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
I met my goal..Pushing forward! How Big is God?!
On July 1, 2017, I began to follow a strict low-carb eating protocol. I had gained back 86 pounds of the 210 previous lost between 12/09 and 6/14. My goal was to have lost that 86 pounds again and I am happy to say that on July 1, 2018, I met my goal! I once again weighed 304, down from my highest weight in December 2009 of 513 pounds.
It is now August 5, 2018, and although I haven't lost any additional weight this month, I am thrilled that I have been able to maintain and stabilize at this lower weight. After completing a full year of "No Sugar, No Starch" I didn't want to change what I was doing but needed to relax just a bit and let my body and brain catch up.
Today is Day #401 "No sugar, No starch" and am very happy with my Keto/very low-carb lifestyle. I have lots of friends, family, church family and online friends who are all very supportive and are wonderful "cheerleaders" who encourage me along the way.
It's time to move forward and lose the next 100 lbs. For me, success doesn't happen 'One day at a time' it's more like 'one food choice at a time'!
The journey continues and I know that God will see me through each day and challenge as it arises.
It is now August 5, 2018, and although I haven't lost any additional weight this month, I am thrilled that I have been able to maintain and stabilize at this lower weight. After completing a full year of "No Sugar, No Starch" I didn't want to change what I was doing but needed to relax just a bit and let my body and brain catch up.
Today is Day #401 "No sugar, No starch" and am very happy with my Keto/very low-carb lifestyle. I have lots of friends, family, church family and online friends who are all very supportive and are wonderful "cheerleaders" who encourage me along the way.
It's time to move forward and lose the next 100 lbs. For me, success doesn't happen 'One day at a time' it's more like 'one food choice at a time'!
The journey continues and I know that God will see me through each day and challenge as it arises.
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Losing that much weight turned out to be a very scary and traumatic change in my life! There were many emotional, social and relationship changes that were taking place all at once, that frankly, I was not prepared to make. It would take a long time to describe all of that, and even then, not everyone would understand. At some point, I stopped losing weight and began floundering around, trying to figure out how to live in my new, less obese body, and how to deal with all of the new issues that were presenting themselves in my heart, mind, and soul. There was a lot of healing and adjusting that needed to take place before I could move forward on my journey.
Anyway, after 3 years, here I am again! Thankfully, a lot of learning, healing, and adjustments have taken place internally and on July 1st, 2017 (seven months ago) I began losing again! Although I had never really quit the low-carb diet completely, I had started and stopped and yo-yo'd enough that I had gradually gained back 85 of those original 210 pounds lost! The 400 lb mark on the scale was looming ahead, astonishingly too close for comfort!
Just as I didn't know exactly why I stopped losing weight in 2014, I cannot tell you what it was exactly that 'flipped the switch' in my brain to make me start taking my weight seriously again. Like I said, I had never 'quit'...I was just slowly failing. Thinking back, though, there were and are several factors that played a part in my restart and continue to affect my level of determination.
*The reality of quickly reaching 400 lbs again
*In July, there were 6 months left in the year for me to work on 2017's New Year's Resolutions
*My body had begun to show severe signs of wear and tear on my joints, the pain of arthritis, etc.
*An anonymous donor had taken care of a financial debt that was looming over me.
*Through Facebook, I reconnected with a friend from my youth that had never seen me "obese" and I determined that they would never see me the way I was now!
ALL of these played a part in what turned out to be a wonderfully successful Day #1 of my renewed efforts to lose weight and regain my life!
Fast forward to February 2018! In these past 7 months, I have lost 70 pounds and am nearing that "lowest weight" from 2014. I will be able to reclaim my 210 lb weight-loss accomplishment! I'm not there just yet....but SOON!
Fifteen more pounds and then the fun part begins! Every pound will be in NEW TERRITORY. God has brought me this far, through the forest of learning and adjusting and gaining the coping skills that were needed to continue to move forward. I have no doubt that I will continue learning, growing and adjusting, as I lose the rest of my weight but it will happen. It's just a matter of time!
Many thanks to my daily supporters, Prayer Warriors, and cheerleaders1 I couldn't do this without you! I'm glad you are sharing my journey! Exciting days are ahead and I'm never going back!
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