It's very difficult not to do this, and I'm as guilty as the next of comparing where I am today to where I was at my "lowest weight!" (If you think about it, we all re-losing, because our losest weight was between six and ten pounds AT BIRTH!) *smile* Seriously, I think that it is damaging and self-defeating to feel this way. It undermines the progress we are making if we do not acknowledge and give ourselves credit for the positive effort we are putting forth today; rejoicing over each pound and inch that we lose! Most of us have realized that, left to our natural tendencies, if we're not losing we're gaining! Foodaholics don't tend to STAY THE SAME!
I think that:
1. Deciding to STOP the insanity of gaining is GOOD!
2. Finding a way to "stay the same" until you can lose again is BETTER!
3. Actively LOSING weight is BEST!
4. LONG TERM MAINTENANCE---That's the VERY BEST place to be!
Whereever we are on this scale, we can be encouraged and celebrate our victory at that level! Positively acknowledging where we are will give an inner strength that helps us make it to the next stage!
Remember the horse with blinders on; the blinders keep him from being distracted or frightened by things along the way! When we approach our weight-loss with an intense focus on what we are doing, we can't help but get there! Remember to keep those blinders on!
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