A sensible person sees danger and takes cover, but the inexperienced keep going and are punished. ~~~Proverbs 22:3
So.....what do we do when we perceive that there is "danger ahead"? Do we rush head-long into it, avoid it, pretend it's not there, or what?
When it comes to weight-loss it seems that danger lurks everywhere; that it is impossible to ignore, and that try as we will, we will never be able to avoid that avalanche of temptations that constantly threaten our success. So...what are we to do?
In three days I will face a weekend of Fun, Fellowship & Food at our Annual Ladies Retreat.....Outside of worship, EATING is what we do for FUN! I cannot avoid this danger, but I can "take cover" as this scripture teaches me.
I must use my "experience" to prepare ahead of time what I will do in the various food-focused situations. I can take my own food for traveling (cheese sticks, water, nuts); I can determine in my heart to make wise choices when we go out to eat; I can simply smile and say, "No, Thank You" when offered treats, pizza, donuts, etc. It really IS POSSIBLE to take care of myself without making others feel bad! Really!! I know that if I am comfortable and content with my choices, others will not feel compelled to "change my mind" or "give me an excuse to break my diet!" The secret to dealing with this kind of danger lies in having a positive mindset and confidence in the lifestyle I have chosen for myself. I refuse to be the "wet-blanket" on everyone else's fun! I also refuse to make friends with the "lions and tigers" (carbohydrates and sugars) that would devour my success! When all else fails and I really get backed into a corner, I'll blame it on "Doctor's orders"....that always works!
Being prepared physically and mentally to face the dangers, I will be able to focus on the enjoyment of being with friends and take advantage of the opportunity for Spiritual Growth. With God's enabling, I will not fall prey to the dangers of celebrating with carbs and sugars which would destroy my weight-loss efforts, commitments to myself and my example to others.
Today, as you face the "lions and tigers" of your life, BE CONFIDENT and DEFINITE in your choices! He who hesitates, is lost!
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