SORRY! There is no such thing as "Fix it and forget it!" when it comes to weight-loss! If you're addicted to carbohydrates that doesn't 'go away' by itself. Abstinance is the only "cure" and it's not even that, actually, it's more of a "controlled-sobriety." I wish I could tell you that once you lose your weight, you'll be free and clear of the problem, but that simply is not the case. This must be a lifestyle change! What exactly does that mean?? To some extent, it will be a bit different for each of us, depending on our health, history and hangups! But it will be a lifestyle of healthy proteins, vegetables and fruit w/some carefully chosen, very limited portions of carbs. We can NEVER return to a constant diet of sweets, chips, potatoes, pasta and breads! If we do, all of our hard work and lost pounds will quickly find their way back with a vengeance! The sooner we come to grips with this reality, the better results we will have and the more permanent our changes in weight will become. Sorry to be such a wet-blanket this a.m.....but I fear that even the best of us tend to think that at a certain weight, we'll have this thing licked once and for all. Alas, if we have the biological makeup that brought us here, we must commit to a lifetime of feeding our body the type of fuel that it can process/metabolize correctly and steering clear of those foods that it cannot. Can we FIX IT? Yes. Can we FORGET IT? Sadly, No. Successful maintenance is the goal and will always be our measure of victory!

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