Monday, April 22, 2013


Somehow we feel that to "go back" to what we "know" is more comfortable and a safer alternative to facing the future.  The truth is, BOTH choices lead to the UNKNOWN!  Even if we attempt to go back, it is no longer the same as we remember; change happens, and there's nothing we can do about it. The clothes that we've hung on to for "someday" when we're thinner; NO LONGER LOOK GOOD ON US! Even though the number on the scales is the same as when we wore those clothes, our bodies have changed shape, or we have matured, or the styles have become dated! There is no GOING BACK!  Many clothes I saved for "someday" have been discarded now for the above reasons.  Am I sorry I saved them? Not really, as they are proof that changes are happening. Another truth, once you've lost weight, you want NEW CLOTHES, not the OLD with all of their "baggage" from that time in your life.

The Lord has promised, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." Heb. 13:5  We need to daily accept His promises and choose the future that He has in store for us. 

REMEMBER: We have today. Use it to the best of your ability!

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