But what can you do, when everything within you yells, "BUT, I DON'T WANNA!"
Think about it! What does a parent tell their rebellious youngster who lets out this dramatic wail of protest over doing what the parent knows is best for the child? You know the answer already, "DO IT ANYWAY!"
Don't wait to understand, psycho-analyze yourself, dissect the reasons, determine the cause or choose to "think about it" for awhile..........You will have plenty of time to do all those things when you are more in control of your emotions and are thinking more rationally; being more co-operative with the part of you that wants you to change your life.
DO IT ANYWAY! It's as simple as that! You made the decision to follow your weight-loss program. You started out on your journey. You have committed yourself to it! Just because the spoiled-child inside happens to be having a temper-tantrum, that's no reason to alter your course! If you had a misstep yesterday or made a poor choice earlier today; Get up, dust yourself off, Make the next decision the right one.
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