Sunday, October 27, 2013

Losing or Re-Losing....IT'S ALL GOOD!

 I know some are starting back again this week, and that's wonderful! Just knowing that you are on your way to a lower weight and healthier body is exciting! I agree with one of our guys that talked about the temptation and tendancy to "discount your losses" the 2nd time around, because you're having to re-lose the same pounds again; that somehow they "don't count" because you're backtracking to where you used to be.

 It's very difficult not to do this, and I'm as guilty as the next of comparing where I am today to where I was at my "lowest  weight!" (If you think about it, we all re-losing, because our losest weight was between six and ten pounds AT BIRTH!) *smile* Seriously, I think that it is damaging and self-defeating to feel this way. It undermines the progress we are making if we do not acknowledge and give ourselves credit for the positive effort we are putting forth today; rejoicing over each pound and inch that we lose! Most of us have realized that, left to our natural tendencies, if we're not losing we're gaining! Foodaholics don't tend to STAY THE SAME!

I think that: 

1. Deciding to STOP the insanity of gaining is GOOD!
2. Finding a way to "stay the same" until you can lose again is BETTER! 
3. Actively LOSING weight is BEST!
4. LONG TERM MAINTENANCE---That's the VERY BEST place to be!  

Whereever we are on this scale, we can be encouraged and celebrate our victory at that level! Positively acknowledging where we are will give an inner strength that helps us make it to the next stage!

Remember the horse with blinders on; the blinders keep him from being distracted or frightened by things along the way! When we approach our weight-loss with an intense focus on what we are doing, we can't help but get there! Remember to keep those blinders on!

Saturday, May 11, 2013


SORRY! There is no such thing as "Fix it and forget it!" when it comes to weight-loss!  If you're addicted to carbohydrates that doesn't 'go away' by itself.  Abstinance is the only "cure" and it's not even that, actually, it's more of a "controlled-sobriety." I wish I could tell you that once you lose your weight, you'll be free and clear of the problem, but that simply is not the case.  This must be a lifestyle change! What exactly does that mean?? To some extent, it will be a bit different for each of us, depending on our health, history and hangups!  But it will be a lifestyle of  healthy proteins, vegetables and fruit w/some carefully chosen, very limited portions of carbs.  We can NEVER return to a constant diet of sweets, chips, potatoes, pasta and breads! If we do, all of our hard work and lost pounds will quickly find their way back with a vengeance! The sooner we come to grips with this reality, the better results we will have and the more permanent our changes in weight will become. Sorry to be such a wet-blanket this a.m.....but I fear that even the best of us tend to think that at a certain weight, we'll have this thing licked once and for all.  Alas, if we have the biological makeup that brought us here, we must commit to a lifetime of feeding our body the type of fuel that it can process/metabolize correctly and steering clear of those foods that it cannot. Can we FIX IT? Yes. Can we FORGET IT? Sadly, No.  Successful maintenance is the goal and will always be our measure of victory!

Friday, April 26, 2013


Many thanks to my Weigh Station sister, Amber Miles Wines, for finding this song! It is definitely a good theme song for me. Brian McKnight's I'm Gonna' Win!

 "I'll never give up, never give in, never let a ray of doubt slip in.  me
And if I fall, I'll never fail, I'll just get up and try again! 
Never lose hope, never lose faith, there's much to much at stake. 
Upon myself I must depend. I'm not looking for place or show, I'M GONNA WIN!"

Monday, April 22, 2013


Somehow we feel that to "go back" to what we "know" is more comfortable and a safer alternative to facing the future.  The truth is, BOTH choices lead to the UNKNOWN!  Even if we attempt to go back, it is no longer the same as we remember; change happens, and there's nothing we can do about it. The clothes that we've hung on to for "someday" when we're thinner; NO LONGER LOOK GOOD ON US! Even though the number on the scales is the same as when we wore those clothes, our bodies have changed shape, or we have matured, or the styles have become dated! There is no GOING BACK!  Many clothes I saved for "someday" have been discarded now for the above reasons.  Am I sorry I saved them? Not really, as they are proof that changes are happening. Another truth, once you've lost weight, you want NEW CLOTHES, not the OLD with all of their "baggage" from that time in your life.

The Lord has promised, "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." Heb. 13:5  We need to daily accept His promises and choose the future that He has in store for us. 

REMEMBER: We have today. Use it to the best of your ability!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


 So, You woke up this morning discouraged for no particular reason...or you want to give up because you blew it again last night. Perhaps you are just BORED with the same old foods on your diet, or are tempted to have a pity party for yourself, thinking that "It's just not fair!"  Well.....The choice is yours.  Pity party (with only you in attendance, of course) or another day on the front lines, battling for your life (again, only yourself to depend on)....what's it gonna be?

Oh sure, You can pout, cry, pitch a fit, or simply moan and grown over the injustices of life. Those options are there, and will always be there.  What do they accomplish? Do they change the way things are? Do they help you do the difficult things set before you? Do they make it any easier?  NO! NO! NO!

But what can you do, when everything within you yells, "BUT, I DON'T WANNA!"

Think about it!  What does a parent tell their rebellious youngster who lets out this dramatic wail of protest over doing what the parent knows is best for the child?  You know the answer already, "DO IT ANYWAY!"

Don't wait to understand, psycho-analyze yourself, dissect the reasons, determine the cause or choose to "think about it" for awhile..........You will have plenty of time to do all those things when you are more in control of your emotions and are thinking more rationally; being more co-operative with the part of you that wants you to change your life.

DO IT ANYWAY!  It's as simple as that!  You made the decision to follow your weight-loss program. You started out on your journey. You have committed yourself to it! Just because the spoiled-child inside happens to be having a temper-tantrum, that's no reason to alter your course!  If you had a misstep yesterday or made a poor choice earlier today; Get up, dust yourself off, Make the next decision the right one.


Thursday, April 11, 2013


 I know some folks in our group are starting back on their program again this week, and that's wonderful! Just knowing that you are on your way to a lower weight and healthier body is exciting! I agree with one of our guys that talked about the temptation and tendency to "discount your losses" the 2nd time around, because you're having to re-lose the same pounds again; that somehow they "don't count" because you're backtracking to where you used to be.

 It's very difficult not to do this, and I'm as guilty as the next person of comparing where I am today to where I was at my "lowest weight!"  However, I think that it is damaging and self-defeating to feel this way. It undermines the progress we are making if we do not acknowledge and give ourselves credit for the positive effort we are putting forth today; rejoicing over each pound and inch that we lose! Most of us have realized that, left to our natural tendencies, if we're not losing we're gaining! Foodaholics don't tend to STAY THE SAME!

I've decided that: 

1. Choosing to STOP the insanity of gaining is GOOD!
2. Finding a way to "stay the same" until you can lose again is BETTER! 
3. Actively LOSING weight is BEST!
4. LONG TERM MAINTENANCE---That's the VERY BEST place to be!  

Wherever we are on this scale, we can be encouraged and celebrate our victory at that level! Positively acknowledging where we are will give an inner strength that helps us make it to the next stage! It is difficult for me to accept a NEW starting point, but I think it is a positive thing to do so.

Remember the horse with blinders on; the blinders keep him from being distracted or frightened by things along the way! When we approach our weight-loss with an intense focus on what we are doing, we can't help but get there! Remember to keep those blinders on!

It's vital that we give ourselves kudos for our good decisions today, and not withhold them for "when we get back to where we were!"  That just does not work! You NEED the affirmation and positive self-talk TODAY, not down the road after how ever long it takes to get back to where you were. Whatever your weight was last week, that's the number to beat!  Unless, of course, you are starting fresh this week!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


It never ceases to amaze me how emotions can control our actions if we let them! Today was a beautiful day and yet a friend of mine woke up "down in the dumps" for no apparent reason. For me, nothing was obviously wrong, but the desire to eat everything in the house was battling for my attention all day!  I have no idea how we can go from being totally focused on eating right and losing weight, to not caring at all about what is going in our mouth or the results that we will reap in the morning! It happens in the blink of the eye! See something, want it, make the decision---Think fast!  What are you doing? Why? Are you sure you want that? WOW! The hurdles my mind can jump in a millisecond continue to amaze me!  I know, the Doc says it's the "addiction" calling....but knowing what it is doesn't always make it any easier to deal with. At times it's just a "roll of the dice" as to whether I'll be victorious at the end of the day or not!  Today I survived, but only by constantly telling myself how sorry I would be tomorrow if I blew it! I mean, if you're gonna blow your diet you should at least have a "special occasion" to blame it on, right? No occasion, Easter has passed; I have no one other than myself to battle with!  Oddly enough, when the desire to eat badly is strong, having an "occasion" doesn't matter either!  Sometimes there's just an inexplicable desire to 'not worry about it and just eat.' The trouble with that is, once I succumb to that impulse, the desire is not quenched! Eating carbs is like throwing fuel on a fire; it just grows stronger! Sometimes simply remembering THAT is what gets me through it! Knowing that the desire to eat usually has nothing to do with being hungry also helps! Sometimes I can figure out the root cause of the impulsive thoughts, but not always! Actually, just knowing that eating the donut, candy bar or mashed potatoes will just cause me to want more, is one of the strongest deterrents that I have!  Being mindful of my followers and Mother's prayers helped me through the day, but honestly, the battle can be very draining! Thank you, God, for today's victory! Days like today make me appreciate days that I am "in the zone" and decisions are so much easier! Perhaps today's success will fuel the fire of success for tomorrow!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Where would we be without the prayers of those who love us? I am comforted daily, simply knowing that my mother is praying for me! She will be 96 years old on Monday! That's a lot of years practice in petitioning the Lord for the desires of her heart! She doesn't just pray, "Dear God, bless my little girl." She prays in SPECIFICS!  Not only for me, but for my two brothers, my sister, each of their children, and their children, as well! Yes, she has a notebook with a page for each of her four children with specific needs and situations of concern for each member of our individual families. We might be tempted to think, "Well, she's got lots of time on her hands, so she can spend time praying..." But how many people do you know that actually PRAY more than two or three minutes a day, outside of the random "God, Help Me!" prayers uttered in a crisis?   It is my desire to learn from her this practice of Praying daily for the needs of my family.  No, I don't have my notebook for my prayer concerns yet....but it is definitely on my priority list of things that I HAVE TO DO!  I know that my time for learning from her is limited. Because of this reality, I am daily more aware of the things that are crucial for my continued Spiritual growth.

"Thank you, Lord, for a Godly mother! Help me to use the time we have together. Please help me to be the mother I need to be for my own children, and to pass down to them the heritage, and practice of prayer, that I have received."

All these thoughts on prayer are relevant, because after years of Mom praying for me, and her continued warring on my behalf in the Spiritual realm, I am making progress in my battle for health!  When the temptations are strong, I am aware of the power that her prayers are bringing down from Heaven! It's real, Folks! Prayer is a powerful thing!  James 5:16 still stands!  We are commanded to confess our sins/weaknesses to one another and pray for healing! The promise is there that "the prayers of a righteous man (or woman) are powerful and effective (AVAILS MUCH=GREAT RESULTS!) There is a wonderful commentary on James 5: 16 and how to pray effectively at

Happy Birthday, Mom! (Born on April 8th, 1917)

Mama's 101st Birthday on Sunday will be celebrated in Heaven with her Lord Jesus!

Friday, April 5, 2013

CARBS--Can I have ANY?

So.....we are on a Low-Carb diet or better yet, have adopted a Low-Carb lifestyle....What does that really mean?  Am I NEVER to eat another bite of bread or candy? FOR A WHILE, NO!  The best success we can hope for with this type of weight-loss protocal is to TOTALLY ELIMINATE sugar and starch from our system! After our body has adjusted to using it's own accumulated fat for fuel, we can begin to re-introduce some foods that have "a tiny bit" of carbs. Remember, anything that is not pure protein or fat has some carbohydrate value! What? Yes!  There are carbs in your green beans, salad, cabbage and dark, leafy greens as well!! Not many, I admit, but there are some, so you never have to feel like you are on a NO CARB diet!  Also, be careful with the apples, strawberries, grapes or peaches that you might have in your food list.....yep, they have carbs too! This is where a lot of us make mistakes in our eating! We think that because these things are on our list that they are SAFE....and if we are lax in our portions just a bit, we think that it's no big deal! If we will take the time to read the labels and search out the nutritional information on the foods we are eating we can find where we might be messing up without even realizing it! There is a HUGE difference in the carbohydrate value of 1/2 cup of berries and 1 large apple! It's our responsibility to know the difference, abide by the guidelines of our diet instructions and then choose those items that do not cause us to feel hungrier than we did before we ate them. For me, hunger is usually a sign that I have eaten something that had too much carbohydrate content, excessive sodium or hidden sugars. A lot of these things are learned through trial and error! The secret is to listen to our bodies and act accordingly. Stop, look and listen! It's still a good policy to follow! 


I've found a great store for getting proteins and vegetables to stock my pantry! The Ready Store has everything I could ever need! The idea of having enough protein for emergencies is a recurring concern of mine, but there I can get dehydrated and freeze-dried food that is packaged to last up to 25 years!

Check it out!  The Ready Store  Meat, Veggies, can I be sure that I will have these things in an emergency? By having some long-term food storage in my pantry I can have a bit of piece of mind that I don't have to eat JUNK FOOD if the power goes off or I can't get to the grocery store! I'm excited about all the items I'm finding there, and hope you will will check them out! There is a 20% off the entire store SALE going on right now (April, 2013). Click on one of the ADS on this page to stock up today! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013



Both man-made and natural disasters can isolate us from sources of food, water, and power. Having a stockpile of food and water is a very good idea. It also comes in handy when illness strikes your household or when it's inconvenient to run to the store. 

If you look at lists of emergency foods, you will see a lot of foods that have a high content of starch or sugar - such foods as cereals and crackers are commonly recommended. Since most of the foods we eat to keep our blood sugars low are fresh and perishable, this is certainly an issue we need to devote some time and attention to. With some planning, it is possible to get though a food emergency without raising our blood sugar, going off our low-carb eating lifestyle, or gaining any weight!  Here are some suggested items to stock up on! 

Protein for the Pantry

Eating enough protein is not only important on a low-carb diet, it's an area which can be neglected in emergencies, when it's so important to get adequate nutrition to cope with stress and physical exertion. Here are some shelf-stable sources of protein to have on hand: 

1. Canned Seafood - Tuna, salmon, and sardines are excellent choices for protein, and also contain omega-3 fatty acids. Crab, clams, and oysters are also possibilities. 

2. Canned Meats - Ham, spam, chicken, and ham salad spreads 

3. Dried Meats (Jerky) - Look for ones without added sugar, if you can find them 

4. Nuts, Peanut Butter and Other Nut Butters  (Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans)

5. Dried Beans - Beans are less glycemic when you soak them and cook them yourself rather than eat canned beans, as the resistant starch in beans is partially broken down in the canning process. 

6. Dry Soy Products - For those who tolerate soy, these products can be great additions to the emergency pantry, as they keep a long time.  

7. Freeze-Dried Foods - Although usually used for more long-term food storage, freeze-dried meats are another possibility.  Dried peppers, celery and onion are also good to have on hand.

8. MRE's and other shelf-stable "Complete Meals" - MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) usually have quite a lot of carbohydrates, but if you care enough you can search for examples that have less carb.


Eating as wide a variety of vegetables as possible is important for good nutrition. Here are some vegetables to consider adding to your pantry:

Canned Vegetables such as:

  • Tomatoes and tomato paste (no sugar added)
  • Green chilies
  • Artichoke hearts
  • Green beans, cabbage, other low-carb veggies
  • Spinach, Dark, leafy greens 
Pickled Vegetables such as:
  • Dill pickles
  • Italian pickled vegetables or hot peppers
  • Sweet pickles such as Mt. Olive Brand (no sugar added)
Jars of:
  • Salsa
  • Pasta sauce or tomato sauce with no added sugar
  • Roasted red peppers (rinse if there is sugar in the ingredients)
  • Dried tomatoes in oil (a little adds lots of flavor)
  • Jars of pesto or other vegetable-based sauces and spreads
Flour:  Almond, Flax


It's difficult to find non-perishable fruit. Canned fruit packed in water is sometimes available. Freeze-dried fruits are the probably the best option. Berries and peaches are good bets. 


Most oils are stable for up to a year, if stored in a cool, dry place. Olive oil and coconut oil are good bets.


So, It's Wednesday.....Maybe the week did not start as well as you might have liked......Did Easter Sunday festivities throw your diet out of whack? For me, HAM  continues to be the Chief Liar in my life. It pretends to be protein, on my list, okay to eat, etc......when in reality it contains WAY TOO MUCH SALT and  "who knows" what else that totally messes me up!  But it was LEAN PORK, and I'm allowed to eat it, right? Well, maybe, but I repeatedly pay for it in swollen ankles, face, hands and general "feeling worse the next day" than I did before.....The side effects of HAM, leads to mistakes in other areas like CHEESE and PROCESSED MEATS, which just qualdruple the I am on WEDNESDAY, determined to re-coup my losses and finish the week with healthy choices, SMART goals, and total commitment to my plan! What are SMART goals? They are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant & Time-bound goals that will get you where you want to be! Let's work on those! I know I am.....You can too!   The first thing to do is to let go of past mistakes and BEGIN! Set your SMART goals and concentrate on them.   Dr. Chuck Shaffer has presented this concept well in the April newsletter! Check it out!                                                                                                                                                              

Accept the "lessons learned" from past mistakes and begin to move in the direction your want to go! Be thankful for today and grateful for the opportunity to finish the week with a BANG!

Friday, March 29, 2013

RESULTS OF STRESS---What's your body telling you?

Thanks to my friend, Laura, for giving this chart to me.  It helps to acknowledge the ORIGIN of the symptoms that we deal with from time to time. This seems OBVIOUS when you look at it, but there's been many a time that I suffered various items in this chart....but didn't connect them to the STRESS I was under...or even worse-yet, the SILENT STRESS that my body was reacting to.  I'm sure there's a different name for it, but what I'm talking about is the way you can be "stressed" without even knowing about it! Your body knows, however, and responds in many, many different ways!  My quest is one of seeing and seeking out the underlying issues that lead to these unwelcome evidences of stress, both Obvious and Obscure!  For me, the most damaging one, OVER-EATING, is the most visible......finding all the "roots" of it is the task at hand.  Habit? Upbringing? Family history? or Stress? Diet is helping me deal with the weight. The rest is an ongoing learning process. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Definition:  Binge eating disorder is characterized by consuming large quantities of food in a very short period of time until the individual is uncomfortably full. Binge eating disorder is much like bulimia except the individuals do not use any form of purging (i.e. vomiting, laxatives, fasting, etc.) following a binge. Individuals usually feel out of control during a binge episode, followed by feelings of guilt and shame.  Many individuals who suffer with binge eating disorder use food as a way to cope with or block out feelings and emotions they do not want to feel. Individuals can also use food as a way to numb themselves, to cope with daily life stressors, to provide comfort to themselves or fill a void they feel within. Like all eating disorders, binge eating is a serious problem but can be overcome through proper treatment.


So, When does overeating become a binge? Something to think about....


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


 Looking back, it appears that when I'm dis-satisfied with my life and weight, the IF ONLY mindset has ruled the day.  In 2003, we were living in Salem and I thought "if only" Walter had a full-time church Pastoral appointment things would be better. We moved to Florida in 2004, where I thought that I would be able to lose my weight and my health would improve.  Well, that didn't happen! I weighed 427 when we moved there and did nothing but Yo-Yo my way up to 478 over the course of the three years that followed.  As I struggled to lose the weight, I discovered that I hated the heat, I hated how different it was from Virginia, I hated that in order for my husband to be successful I had to "not hate" the people.  Again, the underlying mindset of "if only" took over. If only, I could "go home" I'd be able to lose weight and everything would be okay.....but going home was not an option.  It's a long story, but in the middle of a seemingly good situation (aside from me not being able to lose any weight) God used very painful and very unexpectedly events to uproot us from Florida, and did, indeed, let me GO HOME! Was I soooo happy that I immediately started losing weight? NO!  Being an emotional/stress eater, I continued to gain weight in response to a whole new set of stressors! The anger and frustration over not understanding what God was doing, Walter's unemployment, my inability to work and my weight-issues were all pretty overwhelming. Walter finally found a job, and a year later, had a heart attack! Walter's recovery was slow and my weight continued to climb!  At 513lbs the "if only's" were everywhere! I even thought, "If only" things would have been different in Florida!  What foolish creatures we are!  Looking back, I truly believe that just as God allowed Joseph to be sold into slavery for His Purposes, He has orchestrated the events in our lives to bring me to today. YES, He moved us 500miles in order for my son to meet a WS patient who had lost 200lbs. That was the spark of HOPE that he was searching for to help me lose weight.  I don't believe in chance, fate or coincidences! God knows what's he's doing! We're the one's that are in the dark, floundering around, entertaining thoughts of "if only" this, and "if only" that. I truly believe that it was God's plan that led me to The Weigh Station in December, 2009! It is His Plan that has put me here today, and will lead me through all of my tomorrows!  

Of course I've been tempted to think  "if only" I had met Dr. Shaffer earlier, but then we wouldn't have learned the lessons that God had for us along the way.


I choose to Live, Love and Learn everything
God has for me today!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, My Lord, my strength and my Redeemer! 
Psalm 19:14

Do I let the Lord control my mouth and the words that come out of it?  Do I think before I speak? Ponder the results of my words?
What about the meditations of my heart? 
Am I meditating on positive, Godly instruction? If not, why not?
Do I let the Lord control my mouth and the food that goes into it?
Like many other things, it's a matter of submission!
How do I respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit? 
Do I listen, or do I push him aside in order to do (and think) my own things?
Do I show the love of Jesus in my words and actions? 
Or do I say and do whatever I think is okay?


Saturday, March 23, 2013


So, You have a social event that you must attend and participate in, how are you going to stay faithful to your eating plan?  First of all, preparation will end the fear of the situation.  

What's the worst thing that can happen if you absolutely see 
NOTHING that you can eat? Bodily harm? Embarrassment?
Starvation? I don't think so!


Enjoy the event and the company you keep;
Drink water, coffee or tea
Know that sugar and starch will hurt you and is your enemy!

If there is no protein or veggies at an event,just do not eat!
Pretend you don't feel well, or you are not hungry, or whatever! 
Just don't compromise merely for the sake of doing what everyone expects!

Carb-Addiction: If people were trying to pressure you into taking a drink of alcohol just to be sociable, would you do it? I don't think so!! So, if carbs are our addiction, we must abstain from them the same way we would if our problem was with alcohol! Who cares what other people think?!?! You are protecting your LIFE! Don't throw away all your hard work this week, just to "fit in!"

PROOF:  I've been through my daughter's wedding, my neice's funeral, countless cross-country trips, church dinners and 3 ladies' retreats....YOU CAN DO THIS!!

I'M ALLERGIC, I BREAK OUT IN FAT ALL OVER!  We joke about this, but it is more TRUE than jest! Some people are deathly allergic to certain foods and you can be assured that they DO NOT EAT THEM, just to be polite! Treat sugars and starches the same way you would treat something that was going to make you break out in Hives or cause you to have a migraine headache for 3 days! It's a lot easier to avoid them if you can associate physical PAIN and DISCOMFORT as the result of eating them. Be strong, and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you!

Ephesians 6:11-17 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against therulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore takeunto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and havingdone all, to stand . Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on thebreastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word ofGod:

Friday, March 22, 2013


 Even when I am old and gray, God, do not abandon me. Then I will proclaim Your power to another generation, Your strength to all who are to come.  Psalm 71:18

When it comes to being "old" I am sure that I am in denial of the years accumulating on my life.  I have been blessed with grandmothers who lived into their nineties, and my mother who will be 96 in just a few weeks!  I'm sure it is because of this, that I don't feel that 50-something is OLD. My hair folicles are the only give away; but of course, theres always MS. CLAIROL to take care of those!

But, on a serious note, occasionally I am made mindful of the question posed: "What will be my legacy?"  Will I be the mom who was sick all the time, too large to move around and have fun, became bed-ridden due to massive weight-gain? A mom who became defeated, depressed and 'gave up' on her life? Heaven-forbid!! I was on-track for these things to be true, but NO MORE!

 The legacy of a woman who was once helpless, super-morbidly obese,  nearly bed-ridden, having given up any HOPE of life being different in the years to come....has and is being changed day by day!  Luckily, I probably have a few more years left to build a new and better legacy for my family! A legacy of Not giving up! One of having a message of hope and help for the generation to follow! The legacy that I desire to build and leave for my five children and their families is one of FAITH IN GOD, VICTORY OVER CARB-ADDICTION, and the physical and emotional evidence of the POWER OF GOD manifested in a MIGHTY WAY!

There are very few pictures of me at my heaviest weight, but there will be plenty of me at a normal weight to share with my grandchildren! God will be glorified in the miracle of my life! I have not arrived...but the journey continues.   Praise God, I can WALK enough to "Put one foot in front of the other!" May I never forget the past as I forge ahead toward a better and healthier future! Building a positive legacy as I LIVE day-by-day in HIS POWER!

  • Day by day, and with each passing moment,
    Strength I find to meet my trials here;
    Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment,
    I’ve no cause for worry or for fear.
    He, whose heart is kind beyond all measure,
    Gives unto each day what He deems best,
    Lovingly its part of pain and pleasure,
    Mingling toil with peace and rest.
    Every day the Lord Himself is near me,
  • With a special mercy for each hour;
    All my cares He fain would bear and cheer me,
    He whose name is Counsellor and Pow’r.
    The protection of His child and treasure
    Is a charge that on Himself He laid;
    “As thy days, thy strength shall be in measure,“
    This the pledge to me He made.
  • Help me then, in every tribulation,
    So to trust Thy promises, O Lord,
    That I lose not faith’s sweet consolation,
    Offered me within Thy holy Word.
    Help me, Lord, when toil and trouble meeting,
    E’er to take, as from a father’s hand,
    One by one, the days, the moments fleeting,
    Till with Christ the Lord I stand.

  • Tuesday, March 19, 2013


    So, What are we to do about all the Social Events of Holidays, Birthdays, Summer outings, vacations, etc? We celebrate EVERYTHING with FOOD! You've just gotten started on a weight-loss program, or maybe you've been on it for awhile, and WHAM! There are parties, vacation trips, Baby Showers, one right after another!! What are we to do? Here's my two cents worth on the subject....

    * As long as you are determined, and PLAN AHEAD, you can have a GREAT TIME at each of the events. (Contribute items that you can eat, carry cheese sticks in your purse, ALWAYS carry a bottle of water with you and ALWAYS carry a few of your diet supplements with you.)

    * Smile, Be Happy, and if people want you to eat, or offer you stuff that you don't want to eat...blame it on your doctor! I discovered that once people knew that I was under a Doctor's care and following the Dr's orders, they would leave me alone! Also, if you're happy in your decisions, less people will try and talk you out of them!

    *Stay focused on others, and they won't be so interested in what you are or aren't eating! Try not to let your "diet" be the subject of conversations; turn it back around in order to get others to talk about what they are doing, or things that they are interested in; be a GREAT LISTENER!

    *If you're all pouty-poor-pitiful-me about not being able to eat, then there will be those who will be right there with "oh, you can have just ONE BITE!" and eager to debate "the list" with you, concerning what foods are healthy for you. (for example: carrots, cantaloupe and tomatoes)

    *Be IRON-CLAD about the LIST (MEMORIZE IT) and have it settled in your mind that what you are doing is really what you WANT to do, and that it is the best thing you can do for yourself!

    *Above all, have a Cheerful, Confident "No Thank You, I don't care for anything." ready on your lips at all times!

    *There are occasions where if your hostess knows that you are dieting, she will ask ahead of time what you CAN eat. My pat answer is "most any kind of protein, eggs and veggies, with a small amount of certain fruits and berries" ...or better yet, NO SUGARS OR STARCH....It kinda' just depends on how helpful the person I'm talking to is; are they really/sincerely interested? or are they just trying to cause me trouble? Usually, the less information and discussion about your program the better (at least when you're just starting out). Be assured, it DOES get easier, especially if you are CONSISTENT! Eventually they will see your results, and admire your determination! Of course, all this is just my opinion and drawn from my own experiences, but I thought I'd share it with you.


    THE SECRET TO SUCCESSFULLY CHANGING?  Be willing to accept the stages of change! Work with them, adjust where needed, and take another step! Instead of feeling like we're stuck in a downward SPIRAL, we need to turn around and take a look at the STAGES OF CHANGE!

    I am just beginning to learn the concept of the "Stages of Change." I constantly struggle to be in the ACTION stage, headed toward MAINTENANCE. The truth of the matter is, there are hundreds of mini-steps along the way of relapse, comtemplation over how to proceed, preparation for the next step, and then once I think I've made it again.....a new step presents itself!  This thing we call "changing our life" is much more complicated than we think. We are not only changing in one area of our life; each area affects another, and I am at a different 'stage' in each area! Like I said, it's complicated!  The great thing that I am discovering is that, accepting this concept has a positive result of diffusing guilt and self-recrimination! Accepting the ebb and flow of change as being normal leads to more rapid and consistent movement forward in the spiral UP toward maintenance!

    Monday, March 18, 2013


    TODAY'S Temptations are not CARBS!
    The biggest temptations are the lies that the enemy would entice me to give in to:
    Take the "easy way out" and just QUIT!
    Accept the inevitable and just QUIT!
    Determine that the road is too long, and just QUIT!
    Be ashamed of personal failures, and just QUIT!
    Go HIDE from the world, and just QUIT!

    Guess what, I WILL NOT QUIT! Just like this darling frog, I've got my addiction by the throat and I will NOT be swallowed up by it, nor will I give any credence to the temptations or lies that come in like a flood!
    When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him(Isa 59:19b)

    What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:28-31

    For we are co-workers in God's service; You are God's field, God's building. I Corinthians 3:9

    Saturday, March 16, 2013

    TIPS: The Day After a Binge

    We all know that no weight-loss journey goes without an occasional "falling off the wagon" what do we do, "the day after?"

    I found this article online, and thought if would be helpful to keep and pass on to anyone reading this blog. 
    It's not about what causes a Binge, as that is for each individual to discover for themselves, but provides information on what to do the day AFTER. See the website noted at the end for the complete article, these are the specific TIPS offered.
    You wake up the next morning feeling awfully hung over, bloated, and worst of all, guilty for the binge AND the work you probably canceled out at the gym.  So before you go crying and beating yourself up, think logically. Here are the steps for your recovery!

    1. WAKE UP - water + 20-30 minute walk.
         Drink 2 cups water to get rid of those toxins in your body and help alleviate bloat. And, move move move! Use up some of the stored carbs!!
         (Oh, before breakfast, try to unload some of the foods from last night before you begin putting more in your tummy.) 
          DO NOT skip breakfast. You may think eating more is just ingesting more food aka eating more and storing more fat; this is truth only if you eat carbs. So eat a light breakfast of egg whites and some fat free cheese or something. PROTEINS ONLY. Then drink water :)
    3. THROUGHOUT the day
         Go really light on carbs. Use what you ate yesterday. Keep drinking water. Keep moving! Keep eating PROTEINS 2-3 hours.
    4. MOST importantly
    Learn! Write down what triggered your binge yesterday, how you felt throughout the process, how you felt afterwards, and how you feel NOW. For the next couple days you will be using those stored carbs so keep it low carb. Remember it takes about 48 hours for those carbs to really settle in as weight gain and as water weight, so if you go to the gym in the next two days, don't expect to see weight loss. Just try to counter all those carbs you ate.

    One more thing, I mentioned above. You must  remember that your body is smarter than you think. IF you restrict, it will know and will only hurt you. Restrict carbs yes, but proteins, no. Also, your body recognizes changes instantly and adapts accordingly. That's why you cannot ingest 3,000 calories of carbs, sleep, and then just burn them off the next day. Your body is quick to response and will imeediately use those carbs for energy, or store them.

    So your job is not to feel regret or guilt, but to LEARN and move on. Make your body adapt to your new habits - healthy proteins for the next couple days, minimal carbs, and exercise. After 2 or 3 days, you'll be looking good as new.